NIS has a comprehensive approach for assessment, which supports student achievement and progress. Teachers at NIS use both formative and summative assessment to identify where students are in terms of their learning and attainment. All students are regularly assessed throughout lessons and formal stages of assessment take place each term. All students are assessed at the beginning of each year with a baseline assessment to identify learning gaps and help inform students’ targets for the year. Students are given academic targets for all subjects and are closely monitored throughout the academic year, with intervention strategies put in place to support students who are not meeting their expected level.

Learning at NIS is personalized for all students with curriculum planning adapted to cater for a variety of learning levels in all lessons. Teachers share differentiated learning outcomes with students at the start of lessons and structure the learning activities and resources to specifically target students to provide opportunities for them to progress and be challenged at the next stage of learning. Students are regularly encouraged to evaluate their own and others learning through assessment for learning practices and through formal evaluations of summative assessments implemented. Formative assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. It not only contributes to the final mark given for work completed, but also supports learning through providing feedback. In addition to the AFL strategies used formative assessments methods may include worksheets & written classwork, questions and answers in class, class surveys, mini-quizzes, oral feedback, essays & assignments, reading & writing in class, sample exam questions, homework, observations in class.
During term one and two students in the secondary school undertake a research project in several of their subjects, which is based on the project based learning structure. The projects facilitate students to acquire new knowledge, connect learning between different subjects whilst building knowledge, understanding and twenty first century learning skills.
Students are provided with text books and resources which align to the CAIE curriculum and all lesson materials are shared with the students through MS TEAMs channels to enable them to access all the learning materials they need for any gaps or difficulties they may have. Prior to formal assessments students are provided with a preparation or revision week to help them prepare for assessments and end of year exams. Analysis of students’ assessment results are conducted each term and intervention actions taken when students are falling behind. Parents form an integral part of this process at NIS and results are communicated to parents through ENGAGE portal along with termly report cards, parent teacher consultation days and individual support meetings where necessary.