Students in the secondary school follow the CAIE curriculum aligning to each of the specific year groups. Grade 6 to 8 follow the Cambridge Lower Secondary pathway, Grade 9 – 10 complete the Cambridge Upper Secondary IGCSE pathway, with students in Grades 11 – 12 following the Cambridge Advanced Pathway – AS and A-Level courses. The curriculum at NIS follows the CAIE specification content and is enriched with an international dimension promoting awareness and appreciation of cultural diversity and differences.
Through the delivery of curriculum students are provided with opportunities to develop twenty first centaury learning skills including creativity, collaboration, communication, curiosity, critical thinking, leadership, digital competence, problem solving and adaptability.

Students also follow the MOE curriculum for Arabic, Islamic and Social Studies. Lower secondary students study the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science in addition to MOE subjects they also take ICT / Computing, Physical Education and additional language subjects such as Urdu. Grade 9 – 10 IGCSE students complete the core subjects of Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, ESL as well as additional subject provision including History, Business Studies, Computing, Arabic and Urdu. Students in the advanced typically complete subjects from biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computing.
The school day consists of six lessons per day, with a break and lunch session.
- School Hours: 7.20am – 2.00pm
- Snack Break: 9.30am – 9.50am
- Lunch Break: 11.40am – 12.10pm
- Optional co-curricular activities (CCAs) will either take place during allocated sessions within the school day or during after school activity sessions from 2.15pm, Sunday to Thursday.
The goal of the curriculum provision at NIS is to provide an enjoyable learning environment which meets the academic, emotional and physical needs of all children. It supports students to make rapid academic and personal progress and nurtures responsible global citizens who make a positive contribution to society.