Extracurricular activities help kids develop the social skills that they will need as adults. They provide opportunities for leadership, cooperation, and peer interaction. The wide variety of extracurricular activities available allows kids to find their passions and talents. These can help children to develop a robust sense of self. In fact, improved self-esteem is one of the most highly reported benefits of extracurricular activities. Throughout the year in ELC section, we conduct various activities and events that helps the students to develop self-esteem and a sense of belonging contribute general benefits involving mental and psychosocial health.

Curriculum activities like Book Week, Maths Week, Science Week, Colour Week, Cardboard Challenge, Spelling Bee and Art Week. Which are designed to captivate the imagination and develop student self-esteem.
School Events: At NIS we organize a range of whole school events, where a high level of student involvement is expected. These include; Field trip, Open Day, Fancy dress parade, Graduation Day, and Sports Day, Saudi National day, Global Village and International day celebrations.
Recognition Day / Prize Giving Day: Student achievement is regularly celebrated at NIS. Ordinarily this is undertaken during the weekly assembly periods. One major calendar event at NIS is Recognition Day/Prize Giving Day, where the major academic awards are presented to students. These include the coveted Certificates of Excellence and Best in Subject Awards. At the end of each term, we conduct Special End of Term Assembly.