The House System is the core student welfare initiative within the School Life programme of Nada International School (NIS). This provision supports the vision and mission of the school. The vision for the NIS House System is to foster a sense of belonging, creation of an identity and establishing tradition within the NIS Community. It is designed to encourage better cooperation and competition between students and to create a supportive “family” environment for all students in Grades 1 to 12.
There are four Houses at Each House has two House Captains who are elected by the staff and student body at the start of each academic year. Every NIS student in Grade 1 to is a member of a ‘House’. The NIS House system strives to provide students an identity and sense of pride in a supportive, secure environment. The NIS Houses provide opportunity for contribution, positive competition and a closer rapport between students and teachers.
There are many ‘House Events’ throughout the year from all areas of school life. This blend of activities ensures that everyone has the opportunity to represent their House in an event they find enjoyable and challenging.
In addition to event participation, all students have the opportunity to earn Merits for their House. These are awarded for things such as good work, attendance, for being a good citizen, contribution to lessons and participation in House competitions. At the end of the academic year all House points accumulated during the course of the academic year are added up and one House wins the overall House Cup.